
Tyvek tote bags of all different shapes hung on a wall of collaged cardboard. The largest bag is full of branches. White tote bags in 3 different sizes laying neatly on a carpeted floor.
Baguette Shopping Bag
$23 $26
Woven throw pillow in black and green. The pillow sits on a hardwood floor. The Hybrid woven pillows in black/orange and black/green sit on top of a Gold Festive Rug by Puebco. There is a blue book sitting between the pillows.
Hybrid Cushion in Black
The Reversible blanket or rug sits on the egde of a bed in a room with hardwood floors and two windows. The blanket or rug is lime green and red. The Heavy Reversible Blanket/Rug lays on top of a bed. The Woven throw pillows are displayed with it. The blanket/rug is showing the red side.
Heavy Reversible Blanket/Rug
Glass Tissue Case Glass Tissue Case
Glass Tissue Case
The Festival Rug in blue sits on a hardwood floor in a bedroom. The bed behind the rug has the Reversible blanket/rug displayed on top of it. The Blue Festival Rug has an intricate design. The Festival Rug in blue sits on a hardwood floor. The photo shows the rug zoomed in a bit more. The Woven Throw pillows by Peubco also sit on top of the rug.
Festival Rug in Blue